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Let’s realize your entrepreneurial potential!



> Liberaxion chooses to work with partners who want to become the change they wish to see. We do not partner for transactional adjustments resulting in ephemeral improvements. We solely engage in transformational change helping you to realize the entrepreneurial potential that makes you and your company unique. We deliver custom solutions tailored to you and your one-of-a-kind challenges.

We can be your partner in company projects ,interim services, team programs, or individual counseling. Having worked across five continents with thousands of people, we have developed a transcultural and multilingual approach (we speak English, French, German and Dutch).

Do you think it is time to start your entrepreneurial transformation or are you already in the process of working on it? Contact us and find out how we can accompany you to greatness. We can help you to thrive in our age of digital disruption. <


> You want to unleash the entrepreneurial potential of your company and create new value in the digital economy.

We partner with companies and their people:

1. Transformational projects based on an in-depth diagnosis of value potential and definition of change goals.

2. Integrated approach for business innovation and personal transformation.

3. Customized arrangements of executive counseling and interim services. <


> You want to invest in your people, develop great teams and enable them to synergize their entrepreneurial creativity. 


We organize programs for professional and executive teams:

1.  Transformational programs in alignment with corporate goals, strategy and brand.
2.  Action-learning approach to integrate learning into real life and work situations.

3. Bespoke arrangements of team counseling, including bio-feedback and support services. <


> You want to give an entrepreneurial impetus to your company by bringing in a fresh perspective and new skills.

Liberaxion can provide outstanding insiders who temporarily reinforce your organization:

1. Experienced change managers who know how to combine high tech with high touch for high impact.

2. Digital professionals operating at the forefront of business strategy and information technology.

3. All interim professionals are backed by the expertise of our Liberaxion Team and network. <


> You want to live and work as a personal entrepreneur creating value with and for your company, customers, society, and yourself.


We counsel individual executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs:

1. Transformational counseling to confront personal business challenges.

2. Practical methodologies and technologies, including bio- feedback.

3. Individual arrangements of personal counseling, including  support services. <

® Liberaxion is a registered trademark © Liberaxion 2023

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